Cherrell Angervil

Cherrell Angervil is a passionate follower of Christ, an avid student of the Word, and a dedicated encourager of those on their faith journey. With 15 years of walking with Jesus, she desires to help others grow in love with the Bible and develop a true relationship—not just religion—with God.

A self-published author, Cherrell wrote Faith Filled & Fabulous, available on Amazon, and previously hosted the Haitian-American Christian podcast Views from Jenès La, streaming on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. She has also served as a youth leader at her childhood church, guiding teens and young adults in their walk with Christ.

Through her blog, Open The Book, Beloved, Cherrell blends faith and culture, always keeping Christ at the center. Her mission is simple: to encourage and equip believers to grow in their knowledge of scripture and apply it to their daily lives.

And to be clear 👀—she stands firmly on the Gospel. She believes in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ alone is the way to salvation. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross, rose from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. One day, He will return for His bride, the Church. Until then, we get to walk with the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies us daily. 🙌🏽